Starting a Young Horse | Horse + Rider Session

Madison, WI

I met with Felicity on an overcast spring day that was still nice and warm after a freezing Wisconsin winter. Felicity owns Ben, a young Quarter Horse cross who was a natural in front of the camera. The young, spirited energy of both Felicity and Ben reminded me how great young riders are — all their dreams filled with horses and their only worries about when they’ll see their horse next.

Felicity has trained Ben from the ground up and the skill and dedication that takes is very impressive. Even with the help of a trainer, starting a young horse can’t be accomplished by just anyone. You need extensive knowledge needed to teach this horse basic things like accepting a saddle and bridle, moving through different gaits on command, and having all the manners that make a horse a “good citizen” as horse people call it.

On top of all the practical skills needed to train a horse, you also need to have the passion, dedication, patience, and heart to teach a horse new skills. After all, we’re talking about a 1,000+ pound animal with a big personality and definite opinions about the skills they’re learning. Quarter horses are known for their steady, calm, and willing nature, and that makes him a great partner for Felicity as they go through this training journey together.

My favorite part of this session was Ben’s adorable, fuzzy little ears perking up at Felicity as all his attention focused on her. Just look at them! They’re so fuzzy! What’s your favorite part of these photos or this pair’s story?