Bailey and Albert | Equine Photography

Wisconsin Equine Photography

Bailey + Albert

Love is one of the strongest forces around; a powerful motivating factor when things get tough. It not only gives us the desire to work harder and longer for the ones that we love, but it gives us the ability and patience to succeed. Love can make what seems to be impossible to become a reality. The love shared between a horse and its rider is one of my favorite things to witness, and I am constantly in awe at what this emotion enables an equestrian team to accomplish.

This brings me to introduce you to Bailey and her best friend, Albert, a stunning twelve-year-old Arabian. Albert is truly Bailey’s baby, and I was so thrilled to meet them and capture their endearing relationship on camera. When you work with horses as much as I do, you become quick to recognize when a horse is at ease—and Albert couldn’t have been more comfortable than when he was with Bailey. He is completely in love with her, and the two share the kind of bond that needs no explanation. Regardless, learning about their history really helped me to appreciate how far they have come together.

Bailey has owned Albert since he was two years old. Our session was steeped in nostalgia as Bailey reminisced about the challenges the two have faced together. Albert was going to be Bailey’s show horse, but a serious injury at an early age quickly put these plans on hold. While a setback like this may have discouraged many, Bailey was not deterred. It took years of hard work, dedication, and patience, but Bailey was committed in Albert to make a full recovery. She never rushed things and gave him the time and rehabilitation necessary to make a safe and complete comeback. And in six years, Albert was back in the show ring. Also, Bailey and Albert compete without a trainer—and in the Arabian world, this is incredibly rare and gives a very impressive testament to Bailey and Albert’s talent and ability.

Our session took place at the Center Stage Sport Horse Equestrian Center in Albany, Wisconsin, on one of the hottest days of the summer. The humidity was practically unbearable. We were all sweating—I could hardly get enough to drink. For example, I downed an entire water bottle on my drive home and was still thirsty! Angela Marie Make-Up Artistry worked hard behind the scenes to ensure Bailey looked dewy and fresh despite the heat, and she really did look gorgeous. Bailey’s mom Renae also joined us, and I loved being able to laugh with them about Albert’s sweet personality, his unique little quirks, and all of their favorite memories.

Bailey and Albert faced what seemed like insurmountable challenges, but they came together to beat the odds. In 2019 they competed at the Arabian & Half Arabian Region 10 show, returning home with a couple of reserve champion places in their classes as well as gorgeous regional roses to showcase their success. They are proof that nothing can keep us from reaching our goals, especially when love and teamwork are integral factors in our lives. I love capturing these types of relationships on camera. If you have a special friendship that you’d like to showcase, I would love to be a part of it. Let’s talk about your very OWN equine photography session!

Wisconsin equine photographer